We demonstrate an O-band mode-locked laser through the heterogeneous integration of a GaAs-based quantum dot optical amplifier onto a passive SiN cavity using micro-transfer printing. The laser, a Fabry-Perot cavity with Sagnac mirrors, shows an ultra-low threshold current of 20 mA at 18 Celsius and can deliver nearly 0.4 mW of single-side waveguide-coupled power. The spectral peak can be tuned from 1296 nm to 1334 nm as the temperature increases from 10 to 50 Celsius. Mode-locking is achieved with an injection current of 80 mA and an SA voltage of -0.6 V, generating a clear RF beat note at 28.6 GHz with a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 dB. Optimization can further broaden the spectrum and improve output power. Related Research Topics