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Most cited publications of Mi Wang
29 |
Tolerant, Broadband Tunable 2x2 Coupler Circuit,
M. Wang, A. Ribeiro, Y. Xing, W. Bogaerts,
Optics Express, 28(4), p.5555-5566 doi:10.1364/OE.384018 (2020) | |
28 |
Column-row addressing of thermo-optic phase shifters for controlling large silicon photonic circuits,
A. Ribeiro, S. Declercq, U. Khan, M. Wang, L. Van Iseghem, W. Bogaerts,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26(5), p.6100708 (8 pages) doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2975669 (2020) | |
17 |
Programmable wavelength filter with double ring loaded MZI,
M. Wang, X. Chen, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts,
Scientific Reports, 12, p.1482 doi:10.1038/s41598-021-04598-6 (2022) | |
15 |
A Compact Silicon Photonics Circuit to Extract Multiple Parameters for Process Control Monitoring,
Y. Xing, M. Wang, A. Ruocco, J. Geessels, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts,
OSA Continuum, 3(2), p.379-390 doi:10.1364/OSAC.383711 (2020) | |
5 |
Time-domain characterization of photonic integrated filters subject to fabrication variations,
Y. Ye, M. Wang, D. Spina, W. Bogaerts, T. Dhaene,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 37(21), p.5561-5570 doi:10.1109/JLT.2019.2933311 (2019) | |
Most cited publications of Mi Wang (since 2020)
29 |
Tolerant, Broadband Tunable 2x2 Coupler Circuit,
M. Wang, A. Ribeiro, Y. Xing, W. Bogaerts,
Optics Express, 28(4), p.5555-5566 doi:10.1364/OE.384018 (2020) | |
28 |
Column-row addressing of thermo-optic phase shifters for controlling large silicon photonic circuits,
A. Ribeiro, S. Declercq, U. Khan, M. Wang, L. Van Iseghem, W. Bogaerts,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26(5), p.6100708 (8 pages) doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2975669 (2020) | |
17 |
Programmable wavelength filter with double ring loaded MZI,
M. Wang, X. Chen, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts,
Scientific Reports, 12, p.1482 doi:10.1038/s41598-021-04598-6 (2022) | |
15 |
A Compact Silicon Photonics Circuit to Extract Multiple Parameters for Process Control Monitoring,
Y. Xing, M. Wang, A. Ruocco, J. Geessels, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts,
OSA Continuum, 3(2), p.379-390 doi:10.1364/OSAC.383711 (2020) | |
2 |
Tutorial: Programmable Integrated Photonics,
W. Bogaerts, X. Chen, I. Zand, M. Wang, H. Deng, L. Van Iseghem, A. Rahim, U. Khan,
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) (invited), p.paper Tu4B-1 (3 pages) doi:10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333192 (2020) | |
2 |
Programmable Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits,
W. Bogaerts, X. Chen, M. Wang, I. Zand, H. Deng, L. Van Iseghem, A. Ribeiro, A. Diaz Tormo , U. Khan,
IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (invited), Canada, p.ThD2.1 doi:10.1109/IPC47351.2020.9252475 (2020) | |
Types of Publications
Invited Publications