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Authors: V.I. Kopp, J. Park, M. Wlodawski, E. Hubner, J.Singer, D. Neugroschl, A.Z. Genack, P. Dumon, J. Van Campenhout, P. Absil
Title: Two-dimensional, 37-channel, High-bandwidth, Ultra-dense Silicon Photonics Optical Interface
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 6/2014
Journal/Conference/Book: Journal of Lightwave Technology
Volume(Issue): 33(3) p.653-656
DOI: 10.1109/jlt.2014.2364579
Citations: 24 ( - last update: 24/11/2024)
23 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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We demonstrate a hexagonal, monolithic optical
fiber array matched to 37 vertical grating couplers with 40 um pitch for a silicon photonics optical interface, with standard deviation of coupling across all channels of 0.7 dB.

Citations (OpenCitations)

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