Authors: | P. Mechet, L. Liu, R. Kumar, K. Huybrechts, T. Spuesens, G. Roelkens, E.-J. Geluk , T. De Vries , P. Regreny , D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, G. Morthier | Title: | Heterogeneously Integrated Microdisk Lasers for Optical Interconnects and Optical Logic | Format: | International Conference Proceedings | Publication date: | 2/2011 | Journal/Conference/Book: | SPIE Photonics West 2011
| Volume(Issue): | 7913 p.791319 | Location: | San Francisco, California, United States | DOI: | 10.1117/12.885749 | Citations: | 1 ( - last update: 2/3/2025) Look up on Google Scholar
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Optical interconnect and optical packet switching systems could take advantage of small footprint, low power lasers and
optical logic elements. Microdisk lasers, with a diameter below IOllm and fabricated in loP membranes with a high
index contrast, offer this possibility at the telecom wavelengths. The lasers are fabricated using heterogeneous
integration of InP membranes on silicon-on-insulator (SOl) passive waveguide circuits, which allows to combine the
active elements with compact, high-index contrast passive element . The lasing mode in such microdisk lasers is a
whispering gallery mode, which can be either in the clockwise (CW) or counter clockwise direction (CCW) or in both.
The coupling to the SOl wire waveguides is through evanescent coupling. Predefined, unidirectional operation can be
achieved by terminating the SOl wires at one end with Bragg gratings. For all-optical flip-flops the laser operation must.
be switchable between CW and CCW, using short optical pulses. Unidirectional operation in either direction is only
possible if the coupling between CW and CCW direction is very small, requiring small sidewall surface roughness, and if
the gain suppression is sufficiently large, requiring large internal power levels. All-optical flip-flops based on microdisk
lasers with diameter of 7.51lm have been demonstrated. They operate with a CW power consumption of a few m W and
switch in 60ps with switching energies as low as I.SfJ. Operation as all-optical gate has also been demonstrated. The
surface roughness is limited through optimized etching of the disks and the large internal power is obtained through good
heat sink. Related Research Topics
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