Authors: | R. Kumar, G. Morthier | Title: | Photonic Integrated Circuits Using III-V/SOI Microresonators | Format: | National Conference Poster | Publication date: | 12/2010 | Journal/Conference/Book: | UGent-FirW PhD Symposium
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Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) are the devices on which several optical components are integrated and interconnected through photonic wires wires. Workhorse of the electronic ICs has been silicon and many optical components and devices can also be realized using the silicon-on-insulator (SOI)platform taking advantage of mature CMOS technology. But the active photonic functionalities are not possible in silicon and to overcome this limitation we work on the hybrid platform of III-V/SOI where basic element for realizing different photonic functionalities is a microresonator. Related Research Topics
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