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Authors: J. De Merlier, D. Van Thourhout, G. Morthier, R. Baets
Title: Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Index-Guided Multimodal Waveguide Structures
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 9/2003
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
Volume(Issue): 39(9) p.1099-1105
DOI: 10.1109/jqe.2003.816099
Citations: 2 ( - last update: 9/3/2025)
2 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2025)
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This paper describes a theory of amplified spontaneous emission in index-guided multimodal waveguide structures. It is based on a pertubation approach taking into account the correlated excitation of the different guided modes of the unperturbed waveguide. The coupling between these modes due to the propagation through a perturbed waveguide is taken into account by deducing evolution equations of the cross coorelations between the modal amplitudes. Eventually, a beam propagation method program, including the spontaneous emission model, has been used for a comparison of the noise characteristics of a single-mode SOA with a 1-by-1 multimode interference semiconductor optical amplifier. Experiments have been performed comfirming the obtained simulation results.

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