Digital Europe: BeQCIDuration: 1/1/2023-30/6/2025 Partners: - IMEC
- UGent
- Belnet
- Thales
- Multitel
- KULeuven
- Belspo
- UHasselt
Objective: - The goal of BeQCI is to introduce, evaluate and develop quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) in Belgium. Our consortium unites theoretical, experimental and engineering expertise on quantum technology, bringing together different university research groups, research centers, governmental agencies and private companies. BeQCI is part of the European EuroQCI initiative and is co-funded by the EU through the Digital Europe program and the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (Belspo) through the Federal restart and transition plan.
INTEC's Role: - Coordination
- Development of QKD transmitter
Project Web site: People involved